WhatsApp Will Soon Introduce New Interface for Android App

WhatsApp will soon introduce a new interface for the app by moving the navigation to the bottom, Know all the possible changes and dates in this article.

WhatsApp Will Soon Introduce New Interface for Android App

WhatsApp is working on a new update for the app to change the user interface in which WhatsApp will redesign navigation. Presently the navigation menu is on the top and WhatsApp will soon move it to the bottom. According to the WhatsApp news tracker, WAbetainfo users were continuously demanding to redesign the WhatsApp interface as this interface has become boring and old and it seems to be outdated. Now finally WhatsApp has accepted the request and has introduced a new interface with bottom navigation and the recent update will be more user-friendly as we will able navigate the app more easily. The new WhatsApp interface will look more modern and we can get quick access to the important features of WhatsApp like chats, status community, and calls similar to IOS app. 

Courtesy: WAbetainfo

In the above screenshot, it is clearly shown that WhatsApp has definitely working on the new user interface in which will see the bottom navigation and we will get quick access to the frequently used WhatsApp features like chat, status, communities, and calls. The new update is under development and will be soon available in the near future update of the app.

This is all about the new WhatsApp update for the Android app in which we will see the bottom navigation similar to the IOS app, I hope you have enjoyed this news for more such updates follow us on google news and share this with your friends.

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